On March 25th 2019 we surpassed 2,000 days, more than five years, without a lost time injury (LTI) at any of our global operations, offices, fabrication sites, warehouses and workshops – a huge milestone for us all at Aquaterra Energy.
We hold the health, safety and well-being of all our operations as the highest priority, ensuring that all of our staff and contractors have a clear understanding of hazards that are present within their surroundings and intended operations, as well as the necessary support to ensure they can be completed safely.
Careful consideration of hazards is given throughout our business, and a commitment to embed a health and safety culture throughout – from our head office to those who work offshore and everyone in-between. We have multiple schemes in place to ensure safety remains at the heart of our business, including observation systems, monthly training, as well as monthly health and safety focus campaigns, whereby we look to highlight a specific hazard in detail.
Simon Hatson, Head of QHSE at Aquaterra Energy:
“Special thanks and appreciation goes to everyone for their continuous hard work enabling us to reach yet another impressive milestone. Working 2,000 days without a serious incident is a great achievement requiring more than just luck. Learning from minor injuries/near misses is a very important part and has enabled us to enhance our existing provisions to prevent reoccurrence.
Read more about our commitment to offshore quality, health and safety.