Jack-up high pressure riser analysis

We’re are market leaders in jack-up high-pressure riser analysis, through our significant specific experience in designing, managing and running high pressure risers from jack-up rigs.



We’ve run risers and performed analysis across various different jack-up water depths, for over 285 jack-up rigs and high-pressure risers systems for key players across the world.

This gives us the experience and capabilities to analyse, optimise and deliver high-pressure systems that meet a wide range of offshore requirements and challenges. Common jack-up high-pressure riser analysis includes, but is not limited to:

  • Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV) assessment
  • Operating Envelope Analysis
  • Wave Fatigue Analysis

Aquaterra Energy’s riser analysis team have extensive experience in delivering jack-up high-pressure riser analysis projects and working closely with our in-house teams of design and project engineers, to ensure findings are not only used but understood and implemented within designs and products.

Assessing the Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV) evaluates the likelihood of VIV lock-on and whether VIV suppression devices and/or whether a VIV fatigue assessment is required.

Analysis of the operating envelope will determine the conditions under which the high-pressure riser, connectors and surface equipment connections/flanges are acceptable.

Undertaking wave induced fatigue analysis can provide an estimate of the conductor fatigue damage from repeated wave loading. The damage from wave-induced fatigue is combined with damage from driving fatigue, to calculate the lifetime of the well.

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